Yarducopia’s Annual Garden Bike Tour!

Date(s) - July 17, 2022
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Guest Acceptance: Must Be Approved Fee Required: No Fee Estimated Fee: 0.00 Date Flexibility: No, Dates/Times are Fixed Duration: 2-4 hours
Suitable Ages: All Ages (Fam Friendly) Gear Requirements: Bring Gear Skill Level: Beginner Friendly Difficulty Level: Easy Host Type: Community HELP: Contact this vendor for alternate dates/times.
Adventure Details:

Time: 2 – 5 (or 6?) pm – Come for two gardens, or visit all seven! The length of the tour depends on how much chitter chatter we have at each stop… So feel free to enjoy as much or little of the garden tour as suits your schedule. We’ll never be more than a mile or two from the start, so its easy to depart midway.

What is a garden bike tour?: We travel as a group visiting 6 to 8 gardens by bicycle (or roller blades?!?), with a brief introduction and tour of each site by that site’s respective gardener/host.

We’ll be touring Spenard (and a tiny bit of Midtown and North Star) with stops like: The Steller School Garden (formerly the Peace Garden) & a chat about the upcoming Steller School Orchard (50+ trees!!), Mary-Ellen’s Farmlet, the Midtown Community Garden, Jerry’s Berry Patch, Michelle Wilburs?, the Spenard Community Garden and more.

Up-to-date info on Yarducopia’s website – https://wp.me/p5affl-6yr


Booking Required

Bookings are closed for this event.

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