Are you interested in a rafting adventure near Chugiak?

Adventure Buddy connects people with similar interests in rafting near Chugiak.

Whether your interests include rafting, kayaking, hiking, glacier tours, northern lights viewing, or another event, Chugiak is your destination for the most memorable Alaska adventures.

Adventure Buddy helps you connect with guides, groups, clubs, and individuals as passionate about rafting in Chugiak as you are.


Alaska is the home of many splendid things — we know it because we live here. Beautiful scenery, majestic lakes, fabulous food, quirky locales, and epic adventures barely scratch the surface of what Alaska offers.


rafting adventure near Chugiak
rafting adventure near Chugiak with

There's Always Fun to Be Had in Chugiak, Alaska

Find unique, authentic rafting adventurers in Alaska. Adventures are hosted by real, everyday locals sharing their passion. Do as the locals do, like never before.

Alaska is an experience of a lifetime; share it with others.