Totem Trot – 5K Running Event in Haines Alaska

Date(s) - August 6, 2022
12:00 am
Guest Acceptance: Accepting All Guests Fee Required: Yes Estimated Fee: $25+ Date Flexibility: No, Dates/Times are Fixed Duration: All Day
Suitable Ages: All Ages (Fam Friendly) Gear Requirements: No Gear Required Skill Level: Beginner Friendly Difficulty Level: Easy Host Type: Community HELP: Contact this vendor for alternate dates/times.
Adventure Details:

The 2022 Totem Trot is a 5K Running/Walking or Rolling race-event located in beautiful Haines, Alaska. Anyone can participate in this annual event and raise funds and memberships for the Haines Sheldon Museum! This is our first, in-person Totem Trot since 2019.

Haines Sheldon Museum is a 501c3 non-profit dedicated to collecting, preserving and interpreting the history, art and diverse cultures of the Chilkat Valley region.

The 5K race-route is close to Haines’ downtown. Along this year’s race-route are TEN Haines totem poles–all carved by world famous artists in the Northwest Coast Form-line style. There is a registration fee (see below), but those participants who fundraise $200 or more in sponsorships have their registration fee refunded.

Ways to Participate/Contribute: 1) Register & Participate; Register & Raise Funds either in person, or using the website/social-media, 3) Become and Event or Pole Sponsor.

The Start and Finish are at the Haines Sheldon Museum (11 Main St.), just uphill from the Small Boat Harbor. This year’s race does not include the 1/2 Marathon option.

ABOUT RACE REGISTRATION–Please note the three separate sign-up/start times: Rollers (cyclists)–sign up 9:00am and start rolling at 9:30; Runners–sign up at 9:30 and start running at 10:00am; Walkers sign up at 10:00am and start walking at 10:30am.

Registration Fee–$20, if received on or before July 29
Registration Fee–$25, if received after July 29
All race/fund-drive participants receive a Haines Sheldon Museum-2022 membership!

Booking Required

Bookings are closed for this event.

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